First Game

JMB · August 25, 2004 at 9:41 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

Luke went to his first game Tuesday night, one month and one day after entering the world (Buhner M’s HOF night, of course — you can’t tell from the picture, but I’m wearing my “Bone #19” jersey in old-school teal). Despite the loss and the cold (and the fact that he slept through most of it), a good time was had by all. His next game is Edgar Day on October 2nd. He’s one lucky kid, I’m telling you.


5 Responses to “First Game”

  1. Kellen on August 25th, 2004 10:07 pm

    Nice first game, I’m sure he’ll remember it. 🙂

    I hope for your sake and those around you that he was a quiet baby.

  2. bigcat on August 25th, 2004 11:14 pm

    I’ve been a Mariner fan since day one (no, not 1995!). Let’s hope he doesn’t have to wait as long as me for a World Series Championship. Congratulations!

  3. tvwxman on August 26th, 2004 6:20 am

    as a new dad (6 months old tomorrow), congrats! Like big cat, I wonder which will come first: His first little league title, or the M’s in the world series!

  4. Ron on August 26th, 2004 8:22 am

    My son is 18 months now and has been to four games. It was way easier when he was an infant. Now it is nearly impossible to take him because he won’t stay still and we can’t sit in a seat area. Enjoy the first year after that it will be a few years before it is as easy to take him to a game.

  5. Munchausen on August 26th, 2004 12:27 pm

    My daughter’s first M’s game was when both she and Safeco Field were a month old. Congrats!