More comment fixes

DMZ · January 23, 2005 at 8:26 am · Filed Under Site information 

Three things —
Since the last comment-checker thing seems to have worked remarkably well so far, I’m going to slowly start rolling back some of the moderation queues. AOL users in particular should appreciate this.

I may go ahead and implement a follow-up fix (also by Dave Pease), that sets a cookie in your browser so you only have to go through the anti-spammer check once. So keep an eye out.

Also in the near future, I’ll “get on the no-follow” bandwagon as one reader suggested. That’ll change the way links in comments work in a way that should be transparent to visitors but help things a little on our side.


5 Responses to “More comment fixes”

  1. David J Corcoran on January 23rd, 2005 8:37 am

    Yes! You don’t know how many times I have forgotten to turn the toggle thing. This is very good.

  2. Noel on January 23rd, 2005 7:43 pm

    On the other hand, maybe it’s working just fine as it is… 🙂

  3. David J Corcoran on January 23rd, 2005 8:28 pm

    Yup. I am almost done with the construction of my own blog though (probably sometime tonight I’ll be up), so we’ll see less of David J. Corcoran commenting here.

  4. tyler on January 23rd, 2005 9:04 pm

    FYI, i don’t know if this is a significant or a random oddity, but a second ago i tried to go to the web-page and got a word-press screen instead.

    i don’t suppose it is a good thing, but i don’t know if it is a bad thing– just thought you should know. Obviously when i closed explorer and opened it back up, the problem was gone.

  5. David J Corcoran on January 24th, 2005 11:00 am

    Speaking of comments…I didn’t realize how many people read this stuff! I have gotten 95% (52) of all my hits from that one link on comment #3 since last night…