David Cameron Photography

Dave · April 19, 2005 at 4:42 pm · Filed Under Off-topic ranting 

Okay, its a non-baseball note, and its total self-promotion, but forgive my indulgence for one post.

I launched my new photography site at davecameron.net this afternoon. It’s 100 % flash, so if you’re on dialup, well, practice patience or check it from work or something. But for those of you with broadband connections, check it out. And feel free to leave comments, critiques, and opinions in the responses below. The site isn’t completely done, but I felt like I had enough up to make it public.

And, if you know anyone in the southeast who is looking for a photographer, or if you want to fly me out to Seattle to do your wedding, just drop me a line. I’ll even throw in the baseball talk for free.


19 Responses to “David Cameron Photography”

  1. Evan on April 19th, 2005 4:45 pm

    Wow, that’s one dorky looking groom.

    Good shots, though.

  2. SteveV on April 19th, 2005 5:01 pm

    Nice work, Dave. Just don’t let it interfere with your expert analysis here at USS Mariner. Us ordinary fans still need you.

  3. RealRhino on April 19th, 2005 5:06 pm

    Dave, good stuff. Hopefully a bit more diplomatic than #1, I’ll say that the bride in the “Joy” series looks lovely.

    And I really like the first shot in the “Offspring” series.

  4. KW on April 19th, 2005 5:10 pm

    I know it’s hardly my place to talk, but that’s a bit more sentimentalism than I can stomach in a day. 😉 Good photography though.

  5. msb on April 19th, 2005 5:32 pm

    #4–KW said:”I know it’s hardly my place to talk, but that’s a bit more sentimentalism than I can stomach in a day. Good photography though”

    hmm. photos of kids and weddings. kinda the place for sentiment 🙂

    nice clahssy-looking site, too. like the logo…

  6. ray on April 19th, 2005 5:42 pm

    Impressive. I would been even more impressed if you could tell me you printed them yourself and not had some company do it.

  7. Shoeless Jose on April 19th, 2005 6:55 pm

    Hmmm, an all-Flash site? I have Flash disabled on all my machines (actually, only one even has it installed). Ah well, good luck with the business.

  8. fiction on April 19th, 2005 7:17 pm

    Dave..Only have dialup.Went completely black.

    Dave Derek Jason Jeff and Peter.None of you should ever apologise. As it our (readers) benefit that all of you decide to share with we yeaders. No one makes me come to your site;therefore why would anyone argue with anything USSM has to type or do on YOUR SITE.

    Am not a likable person but am dissapointed of recent posts that target the aurthers of USSM.Most the time do not agree with the opinion of the site but understand I have a choice not to click to here.

    Have seen your photos before.Keep nup the good work.

  9. troy on April 19th, 2005 9:00 pm

    “No one makes me come to your site;therefore why would anyone argue with anything USSM has to type or do on YOUR SITE.”

    Man, I wish more people understood that concept. Well said, fiction.

  10. sodo on April 19th, 2005 9:24 pm

    Excellent grammar and spelling fiction, not at all confusing to read your post.

  11. Alex on April 20th, 2005 7:19 am

    Dave – The site looks great.

    One small critique that I might make is that you may want to consider creating a non-Flash version of your site as well. You could then allow people the choice (from a main screen) of viewing the Flash version or the HTML version. I wouldn’t want to see you lose out on potential revenue just because you only have a version that renders effectively over broadband. Just my two cents.

  12. Ryan on April 20th, 2005 7:36 am

    agree with alex. most flash people can do this easily if the site is in a database. nice site though.

  13. Dave on April 20th, 2005 7:38 am

    An HTML counterpart and splash page is on the docks for the future. For right now, since a huge majority of my work is coming from referrals, I chose to go with an “online gallery” over a site that would attract business from search engines. Depending on how well I do this summer, I’ll probably add a splash page and HTML version of the site for next year.

  14. Jordan on April 20th, 2005 8:01 am

    Dave, the site looks fantastic.

    A couple of nitpicks, though:
    – On the “Style” page, I believe you use the word “insure” where you meant “ensure.”

    – You say you get a majority of your work from referrals, so you can probably ignore this, but possibly the number 1 complaint people have when looking for wedding photographers is that they don’t post their prices/packages online.

    Otherwise, the site is vividly beautiful. Good work!

  15. Russ on April 20th, 2005 8:37 am

    Very nice work. Well composed, color saturated pictures have so much depth. One can always tell good photography when one can enjoy the picture of a stranger.

    I like the site but I also like broadband.

    A guy I race bikes with is a commercial photographer. He has nice gear, does great product and landscape type work for the print world and is in constant demand locally. His portrait work leaves something to be desired. Funny to me that not everyone, even good photographers, can take pictures of humans that are worth a hoot.

  16. rich on April 20th, 2005 9:37 am

    Dave, did you build it yourself? My Dad will soon be retiring and is a very keen photographer. It would make an amazing present to him if I were able to set up something similar. So I’d like to learn how you did it.


  17. Dave on April 20th, 2005 9:47 am


    The site was built by bludomain.com. They’re a small company who grew very fast, so the customer service is mediocre, but the product is great, I think.

    Thanks for the grammer catch, Jordan.

  18. Mojo on April 20th, 2005 10:21 am

    Nice site! I’m a Flash dev at MS. Shoeless, why on earth would you disable it on all of your machines? Are you on 9600 Baud dial-up or something?

    By the way, if you didn’t see it Adobe is in the process of acquiring Macromedia. Should be interesting to see what happens. A little bit of a bummer to reduce the competition but the gynormous revenue resources Adobe has will help to really bring Flash (and future versions of it) to a new level.

  19. Sojourner on July 23rd, 2005 11:25 pm

    Agree with Russ that not many people take worthy shots of humans- takes an artistic eye that (apparently) not many have. Great work.