Doyle to the DL

DMZ · August 12, 2005 at 4:36 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

15-day, “sprained left knee” is the listed reason.

Also, Ryan Franklin’s back. Contain your enthusiasm, please.


66 Responses to “Doyle to the DL”

  1. Goose on August 12th, 2005 6:26 pm


    Come on, who in their wildest dreams would of thought that carlos guillen would of turned it on after getting traded.

    I still say the M’s should at least try to get something out of him.He’s got as much worth as Spiezo when he is injured.

  2. msb on August 12th, 2005 6:28 pm

    well, Doyle did make a nice impression on his manager, once his manager finally got to see him play. Glasgow just said that on the MRI it appears he tore a graft from the previous ACL surgery– he will get scoped once an ‘abrasion’ on the knee heals (to reduce risk of infection) so he’s not even getting his knee down for at least two weeks +

    Spiezio sez he understands he may get more playing time (what with Stubby on the DL, and we can hope, the thought that if he hits at all, they can unload him now or later) He does at least understand that he isn’t trade bait with his hitting and contract…. It sure would make things a lot easier if he’d accept a trip to Tacoma, though.

  3. Long Suffering on August 12th, 2005 6:32 pm

    The point is, why trade someone who’s 23 with upside when the best you could possibly get in return is a maringal player? We have a giant surplus on marginal talent. You are not going to be able to get a prospect in return so what’s the point of trading him? The team is rebuilding and therefore should be swinging for the fences in terms of player dev. Going the safe route leads us back to Spiezio and Aurilla.

  4. Long Suffering on August 12th, 2005 6:33 pm

    52: could you clarify? He’s missing more than the 15 days or wont even need the full 15 days?

  5. Jon Wells on August 12th, 2005 6:34 pm

    Yup, it’s a torn ACL and likely surgery ahead, according to Matt Morrison on the pre-game… DAMN!

    Great reporting by the P-I, huh? “No big deal” or nothing to worry about … whatever they said it was obviously wrong. Apparently they jumped the gun or the Times had better sources (on this one).

  6. msb on August 12th, 2005 6:39 pm

    #54–more than 15. It will take that long to get his knee ready to be scoped; we can just hope it is a partial tear, with minimal rehab, but I don’t think we see him again this season.

    #55– I assume the PI went to press with what they’d been told, and the unnamed Times reporting staff got in there later. was the Times report in the paper edition, or just online?

  7. adam on August 12th, 2005 6:40 pm

    I blame Bloomquist.

  8. msb on August 12th, 2005 6:42 pm

    any chance Speez has a voodoo doll in his locker next to the Zone bars?

  9. dmc on August 12th, 2005 6:45 pm

    So what’s the… uh… non-pessimistic recovery timeline for a torn ACL? Can we at least hope for full strength when Spring Training begins?

  10. Zero Gravitas on August 12th, 2005 6:54 pm

    This is just too much. It’s time to consider the possibility that Snelling suffers from the same condition Samuel L. Jackson had in “Unbreakable”. This is beyond ridiculous.

    And how come our cornucopia of lousy players are always healthy? I bet Greg Dobbs has never even caught a cold.

  11. Goose on August 12th, 2005 7:05 pm


    I’d guess at 4-8 months. Thats just a guess though.

    His season is done, thats for sure.

  12. Chief on August 12th, 2005 7:13 pm

    Dave Niehaus just said that Snelling seems to have a torn ACL but they won’t know for sure until they ‘scope it. He has an abrasion on his knee so they can’t ‘scope it for about three weeks. They are worried about infection if they ‘scope it now.

  13. Bela Txadux on August 12th, 2005 7:20 pm

    Aaa-rRRRRRRRRGHH!! Before I even logged on today, I knew what I’d read: “Chris Snelling to the 15-day Disabled List.” [Further] Words fail me (if you can believe that).

  14. Bela Txadux on August 12th, 2005 7:30 pm

    Dobbs tore his Achilles and missed a full season. Bad things happen to other people, too.

  15. 1996Coug on August 12th, 2005 9:41 pm

    “Doyle” has the letters D and L in it. Coincidence??

  16. JH on August 12th, 2005 10:49 pm

    I’m sure Will Carroll will enlighten us as more information about Snelling becomes available, but does anyone know about examples of players who have torn their ACL in the same knee twice and gone on to have productive careers?