Game 52, Rangers at Mariners

DMZ · June 2, 2007 at 6:47 pm · Filed Under Game Threads 

Sorry, I just back from DeathRide 2007.

Uh! Loe v Batista! Both have been pretty crappy so far. Wooo!


223 Responses to “Game 52, Rangers at Mariners”

  1. dw on June 2nd, 2007 10:25 pm

    There you go.

  2. bhsmarine on June 2nd, 2007 10:25 pm

    I am in now way excited after that win… hope its just cause its Texas.

  3. argh on June 2nd, 2007 10:26 pm

    You wanna be the wingman and get the two on the right?

    Yeah. Like a possum being wingman for a Kenworth on the freeway.

  4. dw on June 2nd, 2007 10:27 pm

    I thought Sobieski was a poor man’s Helen Hunt.

  5. argh on June 2nd, 2007 10:27 pm

    That didn’t come out right.

  6. jefffrane on June 2nd, 2007 10:28 pm

    #204 – zazinnnnnnnnng

    How true.

  7. Thom Jimsen on June 2nd, 2007 10:28 pm

    I thought Helen Hunt was a poor man’s Helen Hunt.

  8. Rick L on June 2nd, 2007 10:28 pm

    Batista drops his ERA to 5.43
    Sexson raises his average well above the Mendoza line to .210

    M’s win. Things are better.

  9. David* on June 2nd, 2007 10:31 pm

    [This is not a board]

  10. jefffrane on June 2nd, 2007 10:33 pm

    JJ always makes me a little nervous, in spite of his record. It seems like it always take him a lot of pitches to get the job done. Of course, he always gets the job done so I should learn to relax.

    But still. Phew.

  11. agingfan on June 2nd, 2007 10:33 pm

    Theeeee Sun will come out tomorrow/ Bet your bottom dollar!

  12. Sidi on June 2nd, 2007 10:34 pm

    I thought Helen Hunt was a poor man’s Helen Hunt.

    Isn’t Paul Reiser the poor man’s Helen Hunt? He’s the one from that awful show who wasn’t worth hiring for a movie. Plus, she’s more masculine than he ever was.

  13. Axtell on June 2nd, 2007 10:34 pm

    So Putz won’t be available for tomorrow, what about Monday? This nonstop schedule of games and no off days is just brutal.

  14. jefffrane on June 2nd, 2007 10:41 pm

    Isn’t Paul Reiser the poor man’s Helen Hunt? He’s the one from that awful show who wasn’t worth hiring for a movie. Plus, she’s more masculine than he ever was.

    ?? This is a guy?

  15. dw on June 2nd, 2007 10:48 pm
  16. zackr on June 2nd, 2007 11:01 pm

    wow – these game threads have really gone to shit.

  17. DMZ on June 2nd, 2007 11:11 pm

    Yes, your contributions are sorely missed, clearly.

  18. msb on June 2nd, 2007 11:36 pm

    as we were sitting there during the long, slow, agonizing 7th inning, the thought crossed my mind– just because we are honoring Edgar and years past, there is no reason to play as though we were in years past.

    fwiw, re: ThomJim’s query, during the family intros Holli got a wolf whistle from some guy in the crowd …

  19. msb on June 3rd, 2007 1:16 pm

    [cricket chirp] [cricket chirp] [cricket chirp]

  20. bakomariner on June 3rd, 2007 1:17 pm

    no game thread?

  21. bhsmarine on June 3rd, 2007 1:21 pm

    Maybe they are so happy Vidro isn’t starting they can’t start one.

  22. bakomariner on June 3rd, 2007 1:27 pm

    i know i am…maybe this hargrove being gone thing is going to be an eye-opener…

  23. msb on June 3rd, 2007 1:30 pm

    not only Vidro out, but the line-up shook out a bit. wacky.

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