P-I Baseball Extra

Dave · July 16, 2008 at 10:32 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

The P-I decided to do a big baseball section today with four Mariner-centric pieces. A quick rundown:

Jim Moore: He wants to trade Ichiro. I tried to talk him out of it. I failed.

Art Thiel: He wants Lincoln and Armstrong to step down. Keep beating that drum, Art.

John Hickey: He wants the M’s to be more like the A’s, though his analysis of why the A’s are good misses most of the real points of why the A’s are good.

David Andriesen: He wants the M’s to cut Jose Vidro. We all do.


114 Responses to “P-I Baseball Extra”

  1. joser on July 17th, 2008 6:53 pm

    3 fans will snore in the bleachers. The Ms will be blown out.

    With the Yanks in town? C’mon, folks will still turn out to see their beloved Bronx Bombers — all the more so if they think a blow-out is in the offing. Granted, all the bandwagon types have Red Sox gear now, so turnout will be less than it would’ve been back when the Yankees were regularly playing late in the postseason, but there will still be plenty of NY caps in the stands.

  2. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 6:55 pm

    “Hey Brian, we’ll send you Sexson and eat his salary for a PTBNL. Deal?”

    LOL…we’d be lucky to get a Don Mattingly rookie card off of Cashman for Big Sucksy!

    We just booed him, they will eat him for breakfast!!

    Can’t wait to see their reaction when he goes 0-for-4 two games in a row! 🙂

  3. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 7:16 pm

    3 fans will snore in the bleachers. The Ms will be blown out.

    The Yanks may not be what they once were, but this isn’t Oakland either…they’ll be decent crowds for that series.

    Though, sad to say, the latter probably will happen.

    Sexson’s going to be on their 25 man roster this weekend. That sort of implies a little more than an “oh what the hell” level of interest. They think he can help them.

    That’s entirely possible…though they’ve been known to roll the dice and crap out before, too (case in point: Jose Canseco).

  4. joser on July 17th, 2008 7:26 pm

    Can’t wait to see their reaction when he goes 0-for-4 two games in a row! 🙂

    As a “defensive replacement” and half a platoon against lefties, he may not see four ABs in another game this year, let alone two back-to-back.

  5. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 8:04 pm

    As a “defensive replacement” and half a platoon against lefties, he may not see four ABs in another game this year, let alone two back-to-back.

    True — again with another dishonorable mention to that great former Yankee Right-Handed Backup DH Jose Canseco (i.e. Master of the Warmed Bench, 2000).

  6. msb on July 17th, 2008 8:21 pm

    cool. now Moore is on KJR with Puckett, and the two of them have decided that, yes, you’ve gotta move Ichiro.

  7. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 8:29 pm

    cool. now Moore is on KJR with Puckett, and the two of them have decided that, yes, you’ve gotta move Ichiro.

    Oh, boy…a couple of brainstorming Mensas there.

  8. msb on July 17th, 2008 8:48 pm

    ok, Puck has moved on to who is untradable –Felix, Clement (at least, not this GM being the trader), not sure that he wants to see Betancourt go anywhere …

    ooh, a caller wants to know why wouldn’t the Mariners do what it takes to go get Matt Holiday? he’s young, he’s productive and would be for years? or say guys like Duncan & Ludwig from the Cardinals? Seems like it would be in their best interests to go that route…

  9. msb on July 17th, 2008 8:51 pm

    now a caller says he was calling years ago for a trade of Ichiro, c’mon he’s on a team that is finishing in the cellah, shoulda been traded two years ago for a front-line startah, maybe an outfieldah, when they were coming good and gone some where.

    man, I have to turn this off.

  10. Jeff Nye on July 17th, 2008 8:58 pm

    Why do you torture yourself by listening to KJR, aside from catching Dave’s appearances?

  11. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 9:05 pm

    man, I have to turn this off.

    Hey, it’s 9 o’clock…Hawaii Five-O‘s on!

  12. BigJared on July 17th, 2008 9:30 pm

    I like how over half of Moore’s supporting argument is based on the expert analysis of Colon Cow Herd. If you want college and pro football and hoops, he often has some good takes. He really knows college football.

    I listen to a bit of him every day and I can tell you he just isn’t a baseball guy at all. No real understanding of the game. Not a real fan of the game. He just talks about it because he has to. His opinions are just drivel that sounds intelligent, actual analysis usually shows them to be pure crap.

    I remember in April when the Tigers were really struggling and were linked to Bonds rumors, he repeated the following nonsense nearly verbatim at least a dozen times:
    “The Tigers are a team of free swinging power hitters, the last thing they need is to add Barry Bonds, another free swinging high strike out power hitter”. He kept saying it with knowing conviction over and over and over……….He always has strong opinions on baseball, but…..???

    He was right on 1/3 of those assertions: Bonds is a power hitter.
    I will elaborate no further on the baseball acumen of one Colon Cow Herd.

  13. scott19 on July 17th, 2008 9:59 pm

    I listen to a bit of him every day and I can tell you he just isn’t a baseball guy at all.

    Believe it or not, Cowturd actually used to do play-by-play years ago for the Las Vegas Stars (now the 51’s) of the PCL. Though I was fortunate enough to miss that carnage while living down there (which was from 92-94), I remember him doing sports for one of the local TV stations. Then as now, he was a HUGE windbag.

  14. msb on July 18th, 2008 7:44 am

    Why do you torture yourself by listening to KJR, aside from catching Dave’s appearances?

    as with last night, it is usually inadvertent– I tunr on the radio, and there is Moore, blathering, and I am stunned into inaction.

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