Game 110, Orioles at Mariners

DMZ · August 2, 2008 at 6:10 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

Guthrie v Felix. Felix woooooooo!


117 Responses to “Game 110, Orioles at Mariners”

  1. Auggeydog on August 2nd, 2008 11:47 pm

    WFB jammed his foot last night in the 9th inning beating out his infield hit. When he stretched for the bag you could tell he jammed it. He walked around a little but nobody looked at it. I saw tonight when he tagged out Jones he pulled up a little lame. At least he is making the most of his starts, how many guys would have sat out because they had a little pain (Bedard)? Not a huge fan, but he went a little higher in my book tonight.

  2. dnc on August 2nd, 2008 11:53 pm

    WFB jammed his foot last night in the 9th inning beating out his infield hit. When he stretched for the bag you could tell he jammed it. He walked around a little but nobody looked at it. I saw tonight when he tagged out Jones he pulled up a little lame. At least he is making the most of his starts, how many guys would have sat out because they had a little pain (Bedard)? Not a huge fan, but he went a little higher in my book tonight.

    All hail the Gritmaster!

  3. gwangung on August 3rd, 2008 12:00 am

    WFB jammed his foot last night in the 9th inning beating out his infield hit. When he stretched for the bag you could tell he jammed it. He walked around a little but nobody looked at it. I saw tonight when he tagged out Jones he pulled up a little lame. At least he is making the most of his starts, how many guys would have sat out because they had a little pain (Bedard)? Not a huge fan, but he went a little higher in my book tonight.

    Actually, if nobody looked at it, I think it’s quite stupid. Does he know that playing on it wouldn’t cause further injury?

    I have no doubt that the Mariner front office likes “grit” like this. And it’s DUMB. It’s one thing to play through pain and still be effective. But not have an injury looked at? Or have it affect your play? Bleh. No wonder this team is so bad if it values “character” over performance….

  4. RallyFried on August 3rd, 2008 12:03 am

    Fun stats for the Loser Ladder:

    Runs/9 (thru Aug. 1)

    M’s 4.0
    Fathers 3.7
    Nats 3.6

    We certainly have our work cut out for us, but we seem to be on the right track (3-7 last 10). However the Nats have taken losing to another level. If the M’s really want to win this, I think they need to look at bumping Vidro back to clean up.

  5. Evan R. on August 3rd, 2008 12:13 am

    Runs/9 (thru Aug. 1)

    M’s 4.0
    Fathers 3.7
    Nats 3.6

    We certainly have our work cut out for us, but we seem to be on the right track (3-7 last 10). However the Nats have taken losing to another level. If the M’s really want to win this, I think they need to look at bumping Vidro back to clean up.

    Plus, look at the run differentials:

    M’s: -79
    Padres: -113
    Nats: -119

    Our pitching is too good! Trade Felix! Four-man rotation of Silva, Washburn, Batista, and Silva again!

  6. scott19 on August 3rd, 2008 12:44 am

    Our pitching is too good! Trade Felix!

    Sheesh…don’t give Lee P. any ideas!

  7. scott19 on August 3rd, 2008 1:02 am

    Is it too late to wish everybody a Happy Adam Jones Day?!

    Nah, just go ahead and wish it for tomorrow. The O’s will just kick our a$$ again, anyway.

  8. terry on August 3rd, 2008 4:34 am

    Nary a word on the real possibility that Ichiro will fail to collect 200 hits in a season for the first time as a major leaguer…….

  9. msb on August 3rd, 2008 8:55 am

    Nary a word on the real possibility that Ichiro will fail to collect 200 hits in a season for the first time as a major leaguer…

    2001 126 / 116
    2002 124 / 84
    2003 137 / 75
    2004 119 / 143
    2005 113 / 93
    2006 129 / 95
    2007 128 / 110
    2008 119 /

  10. north on August 3rd, 2008 9:17 am

    Shortened ESPN game wrap:

    Guthrie’s only hiccup during the impressive stretch was an infield single by Jose Vidro in the fourth that easily could have been ruled an error on second baseman Brian Roberts.

  11. scraps on August 3rd, 2008 9:51 am

    Rally fries for the fans “All the way from Alaska.”

    Uh, they do realize Alaska is just up the street, so to speak, from Seattle?

    Okay, he’s from Anchorage, still. It ain’t New Zealand.

    Anchorage is 1,438 miles from Seattle — and that’s if you’re flying; it’s a lot longer if you’re driving.

    Anchorage is further away than Omaha, for example. It’s further away than El Paso.

    Even Juneau is 893 miles away. That’s further away than Las Vegas.

  12. joser on August 3rd, 2008 9:53 am

    In an “average” season (2001-2007 divided by 7) Ichiro gets 227 hits. For the first three months, he’s running about 14 hits behind his “average” rate. So if you assume he continues that, it’s going to be close. However, over half of that “deficit” (vs his usual rate) was the result of a terrible May (when he got 8 fewer hits than he usually would). And his August and September have typically been much better than his April (where he was essentially on his usual rate this year). He was back to hitting .333 in July, which is exactly the same as he has done in July over the past 7 years; if he continues hitting at his historical rates in August (so far so good) and September, he’ll end up with 203 — a little nerve-wracking, but not so different from the 206 in 2005, or 208 in 2002. It should make the last week of the season exciting. In fact, that’s the only thing that will make the last week of the season exciting.

  13. RallyFried on August 3rd, 2008 9:54 am

    Our pitching is too good! Trade Felix! Four-man rotation of Silva, Washburn, Batista, and Silva again!

    I completely agree about the pitching being too good (to be first place losers), but you don’t have to trade Felix. Just sit him down for the rest of the season to “preserve his arm” for next year. That 4 man rotation would really help get us to #1.

  14. joser on August 3rd, 2008 9:55 am

    Coming from a crew whose idea of high powered calculation are slide rules and legal pads of paper.

    (Or using Newtonian physics in a world of quantum mechanics….)

    Actually, you can do high-powered calculations with slide rules and paper (given enough time), and Newtonian physics is a reasonably accurate approximation at normal human scales. It’s more like this team is trying to do medicine using the theory of biles and humors, or doing chemistry using just the elements air/earth/fire/water, or planning long-distance navigation on the assumption the world is flat and the stars and planets are fairies that move around the sky at random, powered by their innate character and grit. It’s not just that their calculations are antiquated and slow, it’s that the fundamental assumptions on which their based, and the theories they are using, are simply wrong.

  15. joser on August 3rd, 2008 10:05 am

    WFB jammed his foot last night …I saw tonight when he tagged out Jones he pulled up a little lame. At least he is making the most of his starts, how many guys would have sat out because they had a little pain (Bedard)?

    Since I am not Willie Bloomquist, nor am I a medical professional who has examined Willie Bloomquist, I would have to be a presumptuous asshat to go around making ignorant pronouncements about much a pain a certain player was in or whether or not he should be sitting out because of it.

  16. msb on August 3rd, 2008 11:18 am

    coming up on the pre-pregame show– Norm interviews Slaughter Roy Corcoran

    FWIW, Pitman just said that Bedard has headed out for his bullpen

  17. msb on August 3rd, 2008 12:08 pm

    ah, not a bullpen– he’s throwing on flat ground, and the plan is to have him do it several days in a row, and see where he is then.

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