The A-Rod story

Mike Snow · February 7, 2009 at 10:10 am · Filed Under Mariners 

So SI has reported that Alex Rodriguez was one of the players who tested positive in the 2003 penalty-free survey testing for steroids. Of course, this is after he left the Mariners anyway, and tests were supposed to be anonymous, so who knows if this is relevant, valid, legal, or whatever. Let’s just let the reporting play out.

As positively attached as some people are to Griffey, others seem to be just as negatively attached to A-Rod, which shows itself every time they come back to town. In a way it’s puzzling, considering that when they left town originally, one guy simply played out his time and exercised his collectively-bargained rights, causing no harm, while the other forced the team’s hand to make them give him what he wanted.

As you should know from the guidelines, talking about people’s steroid use in the comment threads will get your post deleted in short order. If the authors feel like posting about the topic at some point, they will. Until then, this is your thread for discussing it, and don’t waste our time bringing off-topic stuff into the other threads.

Updated Tuesday: Rodriguez is now saying that he used banned substances (but does not know which ones) while he was with the Rangers for the 2001-2003 seasons. For more, see… everywhere, pretty much.


55 Responses to “The A-Rod story”

  1. scott19 on February 9th, 2009 8:49 am

    SMB – Ironically, a friend of mine has been calling him “A-Fraud” for years. Too funny.

    When all is said and done, A-Rod’s biography may well end up reading like the sequel to The Picture Of Dorian Gray.

  2. Evan on February 9th, 2009 11:48 am

    A-Rod said that he didn’t want to continue playing for us because he wanted to play for a winner.

    Based on the records of the two teams in the seasons leading up to A-Rod leaving, he probably thought he was going to a winner.

    Baseball Prospectus picked the M’s to finish last in the division in 2001.

  3. Ron Stevens on February 9th, 2009 12:28 pm

    As far as medical confidentiality goes;
    if a person is involved with any illegal substance,how
    would this apply?Alex R was using a substance
    that could only be provided for a legitimate
    medical reason;his case does not meet that criteria.

  4. DMZ on February 9th, 2009 12:32 pm

    It does. If you tell your doctor during the course of an examination that you’re on winstrol you’re smuggling back from Mexico, they can’t and shouldn’t turn you on.

  5. TranquilPsychosis on February 9th, 2009 1:17 pm

    [I’m updating the post]

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