Tomorrow’s forecast: 100% chance of scattered Griffey rumors

DMZ · February 16, 2009 at 4:44 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

…20% chance of Griffey news. As Monday draws to a close and Griffey either didn’t show up for a physical or managed to sneak into town and pull it off without anyone noticing. A couple days ago, I thought this was as close to a done deal as could be without having the doctors sign off on it, but here we are. Maybe he shows up tomorrow, or appears in Atlanta, and this whole saga ends. Please let it end.


62 Responses to “Tomorrow’s forecast: 100% chance of scattered Griffey rumors”

  1. DaveValleDrinkNight on February 16th, 2009 11:57 pm

    Hey if you want nostalgia, let’s bring back Mike Cameron or even David Ortiz!

    I know it’s impossible but I can’t stand anymore hand-wringing over Griffey.

    Screw him and Anderson.

    Keep moving forward Z!

  2. Auggeydog on February 17th, 2009 3:35 am

    KOMO on the 11:00 news reported Griffey stopped in Arizona and visited with the Mariners before he flew to Florida. Maybe he inked the deal went to Florida and said thanks but no thanks, will stay at home and be here tomorrow. Maybe he said that to the M’s, we will see tomorrow. Part of me wants him here, but the realistic side says Washburn for Johnson is the best way to go. Eat half the Salary and get someone in here that will produce. Maybe we could trade Silva and his 30 less pounds to anybody too. If Z could pull that off he would be Exec of the year.

  3. Hitman on February 17th, 2009 6:23 am

    I’m very disappointed in Griffey right now. He got a hero’s welcome when he went back to Safeco. He blurrted out how it would be nice to come back and retire a mariner. At this point I dont know if I have the same feeling about him coming back. At least i’d get to see him here in Atlanta but the Braves are not contenders anymore. He is going to end up a scapegoat when the Braves fail to reach the playoffs this year. He will have more playing time in Seattle than he will have here. Anderson wont give the Mariners any better offensive production than Griffey. It is just Griffey fits better in Seattle. He said he was over the whole closer to his family thing but now this is a issue again. Well, it is alomost 10am est so we’ll see what happens.

  4. JLP on February 17th, 2009 6:58 am

    To be honest, this whirlwind the media has kicked up has killed any nostalgia I’ve felt for the man. Here’s hoping he ends up in Atlanta.

  5. galaxieboi on February 17th, 2009 7:11 am

    FWIW, over this last week, the one person who did not push the Griffey-to-Seattle story was Griffey.

    Very, very true. I’m letting the mass hysteria of “BRING BAK JR!!!111one” affect me.

  6. Tek Jansen on February 17th, 2009 8:45 am

    If Griffey signs with Atlanta it will never end. There will be more stories speculating about having him return to Seattle in a mid-season trade/aquisition or as a FA next year. Unless he signs with Seattle now, the madness will never end.

  7. msb on February 17th, 2009 8:54 am

    I’m very disappointed in Griffey right now. He got a hero’s welcome when he went back to Safeco. He blurrted out how it would be nice to come back and retire a mariner.

    Which he can still do. Next year. Or the year after.

  8. bakomariner on February 17th, 2009 8:57 am

    We better not give up any players that are worth a damn for him…either sign him now, or be done with the guy…

  9. bakomariner on February 17th, 2009 8:59 am

    Not sure if this is true but…

    “According to David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

    I’m told Ken Griffey Jr. has already agreed to terms with Braves, though no announcement yet, and agent is supposed to meet with Wren again today to finalize things. Don’t know about a physical, whether he’s getting it now or what.”

  10. huhwhat on February 17th, 2009 9:03 am

    Not sure if this is true but…

    “According to David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

    I’m told Ken Griffey Jr. has already agreed to terms with Braves, though no announcement yet, and agent is supposed to meet with Wren again today to finalize things. Don’t know about a physical, whether he’s getting it now or what.”

    Yeah I read that too and was wondering if Griffey had already chosen the Braves, why not just announce it when it happened?

    In any case I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he’s a Brave.

  11. diderot on February 17th, 2009 9:12 am

    I’m very disappointed in Griffey right now. He said he was over the whole closer to his family thing but now this is a issue again.

    A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

  12. msb on February 17th, 2009 9:14 am

    I’m very disappointed in Griffey right now. He said he was over the whole closer to his family thing but now this is a issue again.

    he did?

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