Spring training action, M’s at Rockies
DMZ · April 4, 2009 at 12:06 pm · Filed Under Mariners
In 10 minutes! It’s on MLB.tv!
On the other hand, it’s a beautiful Saturday for the first time in… I don’t even know how long. So if you decide to skip this, really, I’m not going to blame you. I got some outside time in early so I could watch, that’s the kind of fan I am.
20 Responses to “Spring training action, M’s at Rockies”
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That assumes, of course, that you can get the MLB.tv player to work… which I cannot. Yay.
(edit: ah, there it goes, after I loaded a different game)
We M’s-fan-netizens are truly blessed to have you and Dave blogging our team…to wit, such foresight to get your suntime in before gametime! Enjoy your day off and enjoy the game, dude.
It’s on Fox sports for those that can tune in that way. Still a beautiful day, so as soon as friends get over I’m going to enjoy that.
Till then RRS seems to be pitching well, and Yuni hit a HR.
@DMZ – yeah, I have been having trouble with MLB.tv today too. First time using it with the new player. I can’t help but wondering why they switched from the downloadable client, that worked well…
That’s one of the great things about baseball, though — it’s perfectly enjoyable on the radio (especially when Niehaus is calling the game), which means you can be doing something outside and enjoying the game at the same time. Or not — I recall being in a kayak on Lake Union when Hargrove decided to bring in Rick White in a high-leverage situation. If people from Gas Works to Hooters didn’t hear me scream “No!” at that point, they certainly heard me when he gave up the winning HR a couple of pitches later.
Of course, not watching on TV also has the virtue of not having to wince and mutter “That would’ve been caught if the team was starting a real left fielder…”
On the other hand, 710 KIRO just managed to run a commercial over Kenji’s home run (though Sims did a creditable job of faking the call, despite the already-yelling crowd).
Man, RRS actually looks pretty comfortable in the batters box.
Yuni misplayed a couple of balls today.
RRS did look prtty good.
The Rockies announcers are what we have on FSN, although it sounds like Blowers is with them. AT one point they had the mayor of Las Vegas in the booth, and he did about a 5 minute non stop chamber of commerce style promotional pitchman boy Las Vegas is a great place you should come right NOW impromptu talk.
Now Dave is in the booth doing the play by play on FSN. Guess Seattle and Colorado were taking turns today doing the broadcast or something.
You are misremembering. McLaren was the one who had the Rick White fetish. However, I remember another game when White didn’t give up a homer, but instead a walk, and I was biking the steep downhill section of the trail that leads to the Locks, and the M’s season and my direction seemed to match perfectly.
They did that last night, too. It’s very confusing. One moment you’re hearing Dave or Mike Blowers and the next someone is outlining Rockies ticket packages. Only Fox.
Has anyone else had the Griffey Burger at Lunchbox Laboratory?
I haven’t, but word on the street is that he came back for City Market’s deli food.
Tuiasosopo made the final 25-man roster to open the season.
Well, that wasn’t expected.
well, there was a lot of talk about his improvement– and not all of it from Rizzs…
I had to run around mid-day, so I am doing the tape-delay thing.
Amazing. Sunshine.
Re: Tuiasasopo making the 25-man roster, in lieu of Ichiro’s illness.
This is something I didn’t see coming, either. I thought they’d reward Mike Wilson for an excellent spring with a cup of coffee in the big leagues. Or, if they wanted to get radical in their thinking, have a probably-productive lefty bat on the bench and bring Clement back up.
Tui’s stock seems to have risen considerably, even without this latest move.
It also makes me wonder if Zduriencik’s already fielding calls for his starting third baseman’s availability. Like maybe from St. Louis?
I realize that on the surface, it’s an injury replacement slot and nothing more…but the choice of Tui seems very odd to me.
Why would they take him away from where he’ll get consistent ABs in AAA-Tacoma (which they’re on record as saying he needs) at this point, when there’s at least three guys (Wilson, Chris Burke, Clement) that seem like a better fit for rectifying the situation?
Is the Tuiasasopo era at third base about to begin?
I’m sure they’re fielding calls about Beltre, but I wouldn’t freak out just yet.
I’m sure they’re fielding calls about Beltre, but I wouldn’t freak out just yet.
Absolutely right, Jeff. More than that, I won’t even speculate as to just what might be in the works (there’s already plenty of purely speculative posts out there in the M’s blogosphere).
But would you agree that it comes off as a move a bit removed from the norm?
so, the tape crapped out at 2 hours in– anything worth mentioning about the rest of the game, aside form the continued shilling for Vegas?
More from Drayer’s blog:
Didn’t expect him to get moved over to right — I realize has has a couple of hundred games in RF, vs 3 in LF, but he’s been spending all of ST in left. I guess as long as he feels comfortable over there (it’s certainly better to have a fleet Chavez than a gimpy Griffey in Safeco’s left field), it will give the otherwise-disappointed “Area 51” fans something to cheer about.
On the other hand, the Japanese fans in away stadia who bought tickets specifically to cheer Ichiro may be a tad disappointed. I once sat in SkyDome (as it then was) as nearly the only non-Japanese speaker in right field. It was a total blast.