Podcast(s): Reviewing March, and More

Matthew Carruth · April 5, 2015 at 8:05 am · Filed Under Mariners 

We are back. With two podcasts! We had so much to discuss having been gone for awhile that I attempted to cleave our discussion into two parts; the first is almost all Mariners while the second is more general MLB talk plus some stuff on hiking and Jeff’s vacation. As usual, there remain random digressions throughout but hopefully this is some sort of coherent order for y’all. Apologies for the necessary edits.

Podcast with Jeff (@based_ball) and Matthew (@msea1):

Direct link! for the Mariners heavy recording.
Direct link! for the more general MLB recording.

For all the ‘casts: iTunes link! || RSS/XML link!

Thanks again to those that helped support the show and/or StatCorner in general last week, and in the past, and hopefully in the future. It’s truly appreciated. And thank you to our sponsor for this episode, TodayIFoundOut!


2 Responses to “Podcast(s): Reviewing March, and More”

  1. Melb_Mariner on April 6th, 2015 5:17 am

    Matthew and Jeff
    As an Australian, all I can add to your comments is, yes, we can be like that…quite a bit. Being so far removed from most of the world, most Australians feel compelled to travel and somehow become more and more stereotypically Australian when abroad. When you’re traveling overseas, and traveling overnight, you generally wake up in a different country. Traveling overnight in Australia and you’re still in Australia.

    I also enjoyed the mention of Fitzroy, as that is the name of the ball club I played for in Melbourne. Amused me to say the least.

    Always enjoy listening to the podcast. The baseball talk is all well and good, but the off topic chat is what makes it great.

  2. okinawadave on April 7th, 2015 4:31 pm

    Thanks for the podcasts, guys! Would love to see Patagonia pictures if you have a link, Jeff.

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