March 15, 2004 · Filed Under Mariners · Comments Off on  

What’s really sad about this is that every year Griffey seems more crazy. Maybe that’s the way the press is covering him, but…

Early in Mariners career: happy-go-lucky Kid

Late in his Mariners career: counting fan signs, disappointment when anyone else got more signage than he did, organization covering for his increasingly petty clubhouse whims

The trade: weirdly played by everyone, the M’s trying to trade him where he doesn’t want to go after he narrows his list of acceptable teams, which actually should have been “Cincy” instead of a list…

With the Reds: injuries, betrayal and rejection by the organization and fans, SI interview (was it SI?) where he thinks he’s being followed constantly, expresses sort-of-paranoid thoughts about his family.

Now: belief that he’s going to be traded soon, and to the Mariners because Nike sent him teal shoes.

I was worried about him before this, but now… he’s friends with Buhner, can’t he talk to Griffey, make sure the Kid is doing okay? We’re to the point now where I half expect Griffey’s next interview will have him talk about how he was abducted by UFOs, sits in a pyramid for an hour every evening, and wears one of those magnetic bracelents to help him stay healthy.

March 15, 2004 · Filed Under Mariners · Comments Off on  


Griffey rumors just won’t die!